Wednesday, April 24, 2013

Follow your dreams

Hello Everyone,

Sorry for the late entry but I have been busy with work. I have recently been super busy at work as well as some personal life things.. I will talk about the other stuff in a later blog.

Either way, I have decided to write a blog entry about following your dreams. I often get a lot of questions from readers asking how I got to Japan and if I could give them any advice. All I can say is never give up on your dreams. Although it might be impossible to achieve them or you might think that you do not have the opporunity at hand. Never give up.

Enjoy life everyday and enjoy reaching your goals no matter how big or small they may be. I have learned this over the last couple of weeks. Many people around me have lost loved ones to sickness and other unforeseen outcomes over the last week. Thus, I have decided to live the way I feel appropriate for me.

Sometimes positive things can come from bad outcomes... who knows

Just remember to be yourself ...